Online Training

Laser Safety


Essential course for Laser Safety Officers and Operators of lasers of Classes 1, 2, 1M, 2M, 3R in Australia. Users of the types of lasers commonly used in the building, construction and infrastructure industry for tasks such as alignment, levelling, control and survey. Also for others using low-risk lasers of these classes, such as those involved in applications such as mining, metrology, automation and machine vision.

NB: High power lasers in Classes 3B and 4 for industrial applications such as cutting, welding, annealing, scribing are not covered by this course, as they are not permitted to be used for building and construction work.

  • Introduction to Laser Safety in the Building and Construction Industry
  • Introduction to Laser Safety
  • Course Disclaimer
  • Laser Safety Online Course Summary
  • Why Laser Safety is Important
  • Laser Definitions
  • Laser Classes Covered
  • Laser Classes 1, 2 & 3
  • Other Laser Types
  • Laser Properties
  • Injury Risks
  • Aversion Responsibilities
  • Assessment 1
  • Safe Work with Lasers
  • Laser Safety Labelling
  • Compliance
  • Equipment Selection
  • Safety Signage
  • Safety Rules and Precautions
  • Table of Laser Precautions
  • Setting Up Lasers
  • Inventory Management
  • Assessment 2
  • Safety Responsibilities
  • Work Health Safety Act and Regulations
  • Duty of Care & the WHS Act
  • LSOs Laser Safety Officers
  • Incident Response
  • Assessment 3
  • Operator Training
  • WHS Training Requirements
  • Assessment 4
  • Risk Management
  • Summary: the 6 Steps to Effective Risk Management
  • Assessment 5
  • Additional Laser Safety information
  • Laser Safety Resources
  • Laser Safety Assessment
  • Final Assessment
  • Laser Safety - Quick Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 3 years